Friday 11 July 2014

Ward Room 305 (病棟305号室)

Ward Room 305 (病棟305号室)
Original Singer: Hatsune Miku
Producer: Hachi-P

The lonely patient is peeling off the petals
Laughing as they fall, littering the floor
"These are all my valuable treasures, they're so pretty, no?"

The lonely patient is dancing, dancing for us
Shaking out a balloon deep in her lungs
Her eyes looking somewhere into her head, singing a song of love

Quietly singing of something dead
Though "dead" is a word from the top of my head
Open up the wounds and you'll see
Sweet sweet blood

Slit a scar right down her thin arm
Poke a needle deep in the scar
"Look, I dipped my biscuit in tears!
Come and look at me!"

In a plain sort of rainy town
Demons whisper quietly
Ranbara, ranbara, ranbara
Looking for something they can never find
Faintly hearing it as you sleep
Breathing to the rhythm of
Rohjira, rohjira, rohjira
They can never find, they can never find

The lonely patient is swallowing a red pill
Going to sleep again, lullabye-bye
But she throws it all up again and again and is empty all the time

Now the patient will not accept anything
Empty shells are now filled with hollowness
The eyes that stared straight into eyes of others now stare into black

Painting abstract things all over the walls
Trying to decode but nobody knows what
A sterilized room now is leaking
Of paleness and white

Clapping hands together, expectant for a meal
Opening her mouth, receiving the unreal
Stabbing the fork into the creamy cake
Down until it hurts

In a plain sort of flower shop
There's a man inside, who says
Ranbara, ranbara, ranbara
And he disappears, and he disappears
"Come on now, say, where did you hide?"
Breathing to the rhythm of 
Rohjira, rohjira, rohjira
They can never find, they can never find

The lonely patient said she wanted to
Cry and sing and dance and close her eyes too
"Here's what you wanted! Here's the whole thing!
Come look over here!"

"Isn't it just the craziest thing?
Both of us, screaming out
Ranbara, ranbara, ranbara
Rolling 'round and 'round, rolling 'round and 'round"
So, in everything, flowers rot
Shrivel and they die, hearing
Rohjira, rohjira, rohjira
Hanging down their heads, with a single breath

"In the world that had killed us both
Let's join hands and we'll
Laugh it all off, laugh it all off, laugh it all off
'Till the daylight breaks, 'till the daylight breaks"
In the ward number 305
Demons whisper quietly
Ranbara, ranbara, ranbara
And they find you now!

**Alrighty! This is a kind of continuation-theory from In a Rainy Town. So, to recap, Miku has a devil baby that the devils kind of gave to her, and she tried to kill herself. In a Rainy Town is in Miku's head, this is what everyone else sees. Here we go. The PV gave MANY hints about what the meaning is, and mainly what I got from it is that Miku is at an asylum/mental institute because she's crazy. She's also possessed, and she ALSO has a devil baby. The doctors are totally confused about what's happening to her. Previously, she had married a flower shop owner, but then he got evicted, and also possessed. He raped Miku and then committed suicide. Now Miku is trying to commit suicide because she's got a demon growing inside of her. At the end, she goes completely mental, and pretends she's dead. In In a Rainy Town, the "thing" they (the demons) are looking for is Miku (and her baby). In Ward Room 305, the "thing" is the same, but "they" refers to both the demons and the doctors. 
At the beginning of the PV, there is a flower, a fork, and a noose. The flower is the flowers Miku is ripping up at the beginning, and the flowers that die at the end. The flowers represent the anger that Miku has towards the world, which she tries to get rid of and show people, but ends up disappearing when she leaves. The fork is the fork Miku stabs into the cake. This represents how she was possessed. Lastly, the noose is the noose that her husband kills himself with. That represents how Miku wants to get rid of this world where's she's insane and join him.
Anyway, sorry for ranting about this theory. It's suuuuuuper long... ah well. It's an interesting story that can be interpreted in different ways.**


  1. I was searching for theories and explanations about this song... in the first one i really thought it was about this one girl having an abortion... but then i watched ward 305 and... yeah... i got really confused, thank you for this amazing theory (by the way, I totally support it!)

  2. indonesianPeople_107526 October 2023 at 00:52

    wooooow so long,but i like it :v
