Saturday 3 May 2014

Ama no Jaku (天ノ弱)

Ama no Jaku (天ノ弱)
Original Singer: GUMI/Megpoid
Producer: 164

If you wanna know a little fun fact
I've been thinking 'bout what I'll tell to you
'Cause the truth is that if we'll just go back
To the best of friends, I'll be fine as could be
So if you can pleasantly agree, well
We'll live perfectly in rainbows and sunshine
But a liar always hides their true self
So I should sing a song about all of my lies

A kind of sunny sky around here
But my mood is making it a downpour
It's so stupid how I trudge through my fear
When I should be free and making use of my life
Hey, now thinking of it, yesterday I
Was just idling out in the pouring rain
So how come today I can't help but
Think only of you, spinning my head like a

Merry-go-round, round again, once more now
Why can't I just keep my mind from
Reeling from the thought of you?

Since the page will be turned
My time's running out too fast
Spilling from my mind into my hands
It's not going to last
Since you don't really care
Let me throw out all of your love
It's no longer used.

If you wanna know a little fun fact
I've been thinking 'bout what I'll tell to you
Nothing left to see, it's only words now
But there never was any life in my thoughts
Just the knowledge that I have no knowledge
(And especially of what you think of me)
Makes me grow all of these weird emotions
Won't you tell me why they're crawling out?

See, the problem is that I don't know what to say
Help me get rid of my love for you
If you can't, I guess I'll wait it
'Till I ever figure out my feelings
Hey, waiting seems like a good idea to me...

Since I've stopped in my tracks
While you move forward and on
What should I put into this gap that
Is splitting us apart?
Since the time's running out
Let the honesty break through all the lies
Yeah, I'm a big old coward, don't you know?

Since the page already turned
My time's finished running out
Spilling from my mind into my hands
I'll never throw it out
Since you don't really care
Let me pass this love to someone else
But where will they be?
I'm waiting!

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