Thursday 8 May 2014

The Seventh Me (7番目の僕)

The Seventh Me (7番目の僕)
Original Singer: Kagamine Len
Producer: mayuko

The first me was so stupid
Not knowing anything at all
So he shouted loudly, singing a tune that
Was heard by him and only him
"Aah, why is our world so monochrome?
If I sing just a little more
I can bring colour to the world."
So he sang his little foolish song.

The second me was wary
Knowing what was coming
So he sang while glancing, back forth again
As he looked straight to all the aftermath
"Aah, why is our world so mixed and matched?"
If I sing just a little more
I can join together the world."
So he sang his little worried song.

The third me was bewildered
Struggled with his life's grasp
Only finding logic in his poor mindset
He sang while crying out for help
"Aah, why is our world so bothersome?
If I sing just a little more
I can find my place in the world."
So he sang his little absent song.

Understanding why, learning why, if it's so,
then that means I, of all people, should be understood
But I'm never
So I must
Kill my self again, and again, and again
To keep up my life...

The fourth me was conversant
Knew the past but still was calm
And when others cried about giving up
He said that was not his end, but their's.
"Aah, why is our world so colourful?
If I sing just a little more
I can take colour from the world."
So he sang his little stale song.

The fifth me was angry
Knew his path to go in life
But he didn't look to the other path
So he ended up on the wrong one
"Aah, why is our world so terrible?
If I sing just a little more
I'll release all chains from the world."
So he sang his little bitter song.

The sixth me was so spineless
Tried to give up everything
So he shied away from the danger past
And kept his worried mouth shut
Aah, why is our world so nonvocal?
If I think just a little more
I won't do much into the world.
So he thought his little useless song.

Colours changing more and more each day
It really is a changing mind
How many more times must I try
To kill myself again?
When we're killed, and we vanish, where do we go?

So was born another me...
The seventh me was worthless
So innocent, very timid, boring
Blind to the world, bashful to all, even more mute
(Why me?)
Isn't it just the very most pathetic thing you've seen?
Please take it back, I hate it, just kill it please
Blessings to you, best hopes to you, pass off to you

Understanding why, learning why, if it's so,
I should keep taking all colours way away
But I do and
So I must
Just be born, and die, and die, and die
To make up my life...

The seventh me was "worthless"
So he killed me all at once.


  1. I know this was over a year ago, but these lyrics are really great!
