Tuesday 17 June 2014

Fake Colours (フェイクカラーズ)

Fake Colors (フェイクカラーズ)
Original Singer: IA ROCKS
Producer: sleepless

The world outside of my bedroom window 
Is blurred by melancholy rain
As every drop dribbles down, just the same do my thoughts
Where will everything end up to?

I wake up, stretching, and get dressed, yawning
But you know, I'm not self-conscious
So what everyone thinks, I just plainly ignore
Just let them be annoyed

And when they tell me I'm perfect, I overflow
Though I know it's not true, they'll just keep pretending
From that one compliment, do I get satisfied?
Of course, it's all over in 5 minutes

Light streaming through the window screen
Aren't I scared of the real world? I always seem like
Aah, laugh at me, from below, you look up
You're so much better than me

There's no way for a spoiled brat like me
To hide my inside colours, just dress them up and
Aah, look at me, from above, you laugh off
Don't know what's going on anymore

The other day, well, I bought a mood ring
It doesn't fit on my fingers
My pinky's too thin, and the ring is too wide
When I walk, it falls down farther

The next day I tried to dye my hair brown
Just 'cuz I wanted a difference
No-one noticed a thing, but I seek attention
So I swore at them all

And when I look into the mirror, I'm unsatisfied, oh
Make-up will make me look unlacking (maybe)
I'm wandering around, without direction
So I just go with majority

The trend that's in is a stylish win
Swinging by the store again, I'm popular now
Aah, the way that people change goes so fast
Wonder if maybe I should follow

Neat and organized stay together forever
Lies they spread around stick and stay, messing it up
Aah, the colours that are real stay in
Fake on the outside, no-one will see

On my own, forever alone
Why aren't I satisfied now? It's so crazy, but it's true
I want to live with others again
I want what I had so long ago

Keep your head up and you will light a path for me
Sure enough, I will follow and live a better life
The colours of someone's tomorrow
I hope they'll dye their future in "real world"
Ooh~ Ah-ah..
Ooh~ Woah-oh, ah-ah, ah-ah...

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