Wednesday 18 June 2014

Hoshi wo Wataru Tori (星を渡る鳥)

Hoshi wo Wataru Tori (星を渡る鳥)
Original Singer: Kagamine Len
Producer: Nem

At the farthest reaches of sky
Such a long time ago, I don't think you'll remember
There's a star quite the same as us
Lighting up the dark with life.

People living ontop this star were greedy and needy
So, quite quickly the world had drowned in what they had wanted

Time, lots of time has passed since that old time back then
Then I picked up your voice
You, only you, the only one
This is the voice that is calling

I want to turn to a gentle bird
And I want to fly far, oh so far I will travel
Passing millions of shining stars
Just to reach out to you once again.

Even if I continue on
With a burning body, crumbling into ashes
My heart will travel on throughout time
And fly far to our secret promised place.

With the chance of forgetting what the earth is, what I am
We'll just let the image and memory of the earth fade

Time, lots of time has passed since that old time back then
Finally, I arrived
You, only you, the only one
Sitting alone on that star, waiting

We will name this lonely star with something special
With the name of the earth where the two of us were born

Both our hearts, both from you and me
Shine with light and connect, to a world somewhere other
For the life to continue on
On the earth where we once would live.

Generations in future time
Never will again repeat the same errors
And the song of this love I share
Will be sung on this star forever more.

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